The sun shone, the music played and the common looked wonderful. Bedecked in bunting and filled with around 130 people getting together to share their day, socialising with neighbours.

Memories of the Coronation Day were gathered from village elders and were featured on story boards which were displayed in the shelter during June.

The Flat Cap Throwing World Championship round was featured on BBC Radio Humberside on their ‘where am I’ bank holiday feature, and with 86 throwers, competition was fierce! The 2014 36.7m record was not broken but the record holder, Kurtis Thorpe retained his title with a 29.5m throw, joining 7 other winners who all got medals.

The USA Deep South style barbecue was a big hit with plentiful servings of pilled meats and other goodies.

The day rounded off with a resident leading a conga round the common and the lighting of the beacon.


